Thursday, August 29, 2013



Let us understand some basics/roots.

Wherever demand of involvement of body is more important than the mind such crimes are bound to happen.

Let me try to explain.

Why the path of Bhakti and the path of Raj (Siddha) not effective now-a-days ?

There is no clear cut demarcation among Bhakti path, Raj (Siddha) path and Gyan path.

Every path contains qualities of all the paths but in different ratio.

The name is assigned on the basis of dominance of qualities of the path being given name.

The requirements/qualities in the person taking the various paths are as under:

Bhakti- Important requirements are-Innocence like child, simplicity and trusting mind.

Raj (Siddha) -- Important requirements are- Availability of enough spare time for asnas, pranayama, meditation, etc. as expounded by Patanjali. A fixed calm place for sadhna. Following a rigorous discipline as given by the Guru. There is always a chance to go astray if a real Master of Siddha tradition is not the Guru. This path is capable of giving rise to Spiritual Ego (especially when siddhies start manifesting) which is more dangerous and powerful than the normal ego.

Gyan – (direct path) -- Important requirements are- Study of various scriptures, discussion with the fellow travelers and Masters (like Upanishadic Era), etc. with utmost consciousness. Remaining conscious/alert is the key.

In this era of science the mind is doubtful in nature and is full of information due to various reasons. We are so attached to the mind that the mind is behaving like master instead of servant of this body who took it for its smooth survival. The mind/person does not remain simple at all. The innocence is not seen in the waking state at all. Hence, the question of trust does not arise. Therefore surrendering does not happen effortlessly. The so called surrendering is no surrendering at all. However exception may be there. In the name of trust only beliefs and faith are existing. Hence Bhakti path in not effective as it is not suitable for almost all the persons in this yuga/era.

So ar as the Raj(Siddha) path is concerned this is the most difficult path to be followed due to the requirements/preconditions mentioned above. Nobody has enough time for sadhna or a calm suitable place for that. Scarcity/unreliability of real guru of Siddha tradition is another major factor.

Hence the most suitable path in this era of science is nothing but undoubtly the Gyan path. The basic programme of the mind is logic. In this path, mind which is the only instrument available for all the paths, is used at maximum.

Now coming to the crimes the maximum crimes happen in path of Bhakti (beliefs and faith) followed by Raj and then Karma.

In Gyan path happening of crime is very difficult as the chance of involvement of body i.e. touching the disciples body by Masters/Gurus, with Masters/Gurus is very remote...almost impossible. And this path has no pre-requirements/conditions attached.

However, the so called Gurus/Masters are not the root of the problem.

These poor fellows are fruits of the trees we irrigate and fertilise and the trees are the the so called paths other than Gyan Path (Tark and vitark, discussion,debate, etc).

Have you ever heard such type of crimes happening on this path/way ?

Such crimes generally happen on the tree of Bhakti and Raj Yoga (Kundalini, Tantra, Yoga, etc.).

We ourselves are responsible.

Our desires take us to such Gurus/Masters of Bhakti and Raj because hardly any mental effort is required there in comparison to Gyan Path, at least not at all in Bhakti.

We must understand that the religion/spirituality has do with mind and mind only and in present day everyone's mind has become so strong that only this mind is required to be deployed intensely so that it looses its energy stuck in beliefs or doubts so that finally understanding dawns upon. And for that Gyan marg is the only solution.

Bhakti being the easiest from mental energy spending point of view, is not suitable at all.

What is the solution ???

Scientific approach is needed otherwise......

The mind is so programmed that it cannot think of doing anything without expectation. The existence of expectation of something itself shows that the person lacks that thing.

In a sense existence of expectation is a dis-ease (lacking something or emptiness).

For example a healthy person does not think of going to doctor because there is no symptom of unhealthiness. But what an unhealthy person expects? He expects that the symptoms of the dis-easiness should go away.


1) If a person is reading a book with interest it means whatever he is putting in his mind it was not there. It means emptiness for that thing was there in his mind. That emptiness has created a situation of expectation (dis-easiness) and interest is the symptom of that. If the interest is no more to read that book, means expectation (dis-ease) to read is no more there and the person/mind comes to rest as far as that expectation is concerned.

2) A person goes to office, but why? In order to do or complete some work or to get some work done. Engaging oneself in work is a symptom of dis-easiness here. One the work is done/completed the symptom is no more and the person/mind comes to rest as far as that expectation is concerned.

The above can be applied to all of our engagements in which we are continuously engaged and there is no escape also. The symptoms of all our engagements/action (dis-easiness) can be clearly found out by oneself.

From the above one thing is very obvious that before starting the treatment of dis-ease the symptoms have to be clearly found out, otherwise whatever is done is nothing but arrow in the darkness.

Now come to the point.

Many of us are engaged in so many spiritual practices to attain something called enlightenment/moksha/salvation / union with God/coming to non-dual state/bliss and what not?

Our initial desire to engage ourselves (either on our own or due to any circumstances) in such practices shows that we were lacking something.

That unknown lacking (void/emptiness) created a desire in ourselves which gave rise to disturbance (dis-easiness) in our psychosomatic system and in order to get rid of that disturbance we engaged ourselves in spiritual practices.

But most of us are not aware of the above happenings in the psychosomatic system and how we have been driven to the point where we are.

Basically we are engaged in treating our symptoms of dis-easiness so that we come to our natural state (swabhav).

But the tragedy is that before our treatment got started we had not pointed out (others also not pointed out) what are the symptoms which require attention.

Unless the symptoms, which have given rise to such a state of ours which require change/modification by way of any method/path/practice, nothing is going to yield. We will just remain in the same state.

Hence a scientific approach is needed in this field too as spirituality is much higher science than normal science.

FB ---- An Excellent Platform For CATHARSIS

FB ---- An Excellent Platform For CATHARSIS

The greatest advantage of being on FB is that

""here we can express even those thoughts which generally we avoid to express in real life due to basically “fear of” getting ridiculed, getting others irritated/angered, getting work derailed, etc."" and that too without showing our Face 

We must understand the difference between real life interaction where communication happens through words, sound, video (face to face), body language and aura level communication (max) while on FB generally it is through words only..max video chat can happen in some cases. Hence, here on FB the communication level is minimum.
Therefore we should avoid taking anything personally.

Perhaps this is one of the best platforms for happening of catharsis.

We can even abuse freely and get unfriended/blocked or unfriend/block the target of our abuse. 

If you have fake identity then sky is the limit for the purpose of catharsis. 

And in this way we can test/improve our mental state too.

Helplessness Powerlessness

When we recognize personal powerlessness in our own actions, the twin burdens of pride and guilt vanish.

When we recognize powerlessness in the actions of others, we are freed from the poisoning effects of resentment and hatred.

Relieved of pride, guilt, resentment and hatred we live comfortably with life as it comes, in true humility and peace.

Wyane Ramesh

A Beautiful Metaphor of CONDITIONING

A Beautiful Metaphor of CONDITIONING

If you plunge a frog into boiling water, it will immediately jump out. 

But if you place the frog into cool water and slowly heat it to boiling, the frog won’t notice and will slowly cook to death. 

E.W. Scripture, who wrote The New Psychology in 1897.

He cited earlier German research:
“. . . a live frog can actually be boiled without a movement if the water is heated slowly enough; in one experiment, the temperature was raised at the rate of 0.002 [degrees Celsius] per second, and the frog was found dead at the end of 2.5 hours without having moved.”

This is a beautiful metaphor for how the mind adjusts itself slowly but steadily i.e. how conditioning happens without our knowledge/awareness.

Perhaps the Masters/Gurus just want to make us realize that “all of our actions are happening under the influence of conditioning and genes”.

Perhaps for that purpose they prescribe various mental as well as physical techniques to practice i.e. they try to condition us in a new but easy way so that it can be understood easily.

If Masters say that there is nothing to change…..there is none who is required to be changed………everything is perfect in here-now (moment) will amount to putting the frog in boiling temperature and the so called mind will not digest it.

Life is always there

Although the life as such is same in all the life forms including plant kingdom...may be even inanimate, 

but expressing itself differently 

depending upon 

the food/material available, prevailing circumstances (including genes) and the intensity of the force behind life to pick up or to arrange the food/material to express itself.

The above implies that life is everywhere and all the time...but to express its presence food/material is needed. Further there is a threshold limit of intensity of life force which decides in which form it will get expressed. For example.....suppose a person dies...what happens in that case.

In this case the intensity of life force come down below the threshold limit to express itself as human because of quality and quantity of food (the materials of the body).

Now after sometime say 24 hours or so small worms start appearing in the dead body, because the food available becomes suitable for the life to express itself in the form of worms.

Hence, the life force is never absent..its question of suitable food as well as circumstances to express itself.

Unconsciousness to consciousness

We start our journey of life unknowingly/unconsciously loving others unconditionally.

However from the day conditioning starts, conditions start getting attached in the loving phenomenon slowly but steadily and by the time we become physically/mentally mature our loving phenomenon completely becomes conditioned.

Hence this so called conditioned love comes into action because of the thought structure coming into action/existence i.e. mind coming into existence/action.

And when we hears from others saying (giving idea) or somewhere we read that we should love unconditionally we start practicing "unconditional love" without even questioning the very idea itself i.e. why/how conditions are attached.

This practice conditions us further because generally the very idea "to love unconditionally" is born out of conditioning not out of clarity.

Perhaps the very clarity

""""all of our actions are happening under the influence of conditioning and other known/unknown factors....

....the very idea that "we have control over our action", is false altogether....

....the very idea that "we know ourselves" is false altogether..


is capable of making us realise that love (the driving force of the life as such) is always free from everything including conditions or includes everything including the conditions.

Perhaps the so called conditioned love is necessary to live the social life, but a qualitative change/shift may happen in it when clarity happens.



[ Re-posting ]

A child is born with the body (chariot) having five sense organs (five horses) who are untrained/unsynchronised because of absence of mind.

The life manifesting as child is nothing but Krishna (pure awareness) itself .

In absence of mind (data,software,conditioning) sense organs start functioning without following any specific direction/way as the coordinator (trained/conditioned brain) has not developed.

The child starts getting information and the brain cells start getting training/conditioning and simultaneously the sense organs also start getting synchronized with each other with little mind which has developed in the child .

Further simultaneously the attachment (Ego or Arjuna) takes birth with the development of mind. Better to say Arjun is made up of data and software/programme (conditioning).

By the passage of time due to more information and development of further software, the attachment also grows and become strong i.e. Arjuna (Ego) starts getting established/matured as per the training imparted by the outside factors (society) .

Further Arjuna/Ego on his own also puts more and more inputs or have more and more experiences making it (Ego) further strong.

Alongwith the mind the body (chariot) also comes to maturity, say at the age of about 21 years. However he (Arjuna/Ego) is totally unaware about its (Krishna) nature.

Here due to habits (unconscious compulsive behavior) the sense organs still function without any direction as the person even after maturity does not ask the question “whether these sense organs are meant for his/her use or what, as no such input to ask such questions was ever fed into the system.”

Arjuna does not bother/question what is the purpose behind the whole drama of the so called creations. He is as unconscious (living in slumber) as others are.

He is in the stage of sudra ( a Sansakrit word) i.e. servicing to the sense organs.

Somehow in this person (Arjuna) the intense desire of knowing/finding out/searching the answers of existential questions (who I am, where I am, why I am,etc.) becomes "prominent/priority of life".

Then he starts the search and he is known as seeker.

This we can say "He is a ripe Arjuna and now ready/prepared to face Krishna as mentioned in Gita".

He/she tries to find out a person (Guru/Master etc.) as per information fed into the system.

This is nothing but unknowingly searching Krishna (his own self which he/she actually is) in physical form as he/she is not aware about something which is beyond the grasp of sense organs.

He/she may start inquiring on his own as per his/her understanding.

Here Mahabharata (all sorts of mental and physical gymnastics as suggested by the Guru/Master or as per his understanding) starts happening.

This we can say "He (Arjuna) is in the stage of kshatriya (a Sanskrit word loose meaning in English is fighter).

The awareness/Krishna that he is (he is not aware about this fact), is of different dimension than the physical form which is known to him.

Feeling of presence of awareness through inner/outer Guru (singing of Gita) starts happening. Whenever the ego gets reduced i.e. understanding starts happening, but due to strong attachment (Ego) he/she repeatedly forgets himself.

This goes on for a long period.

This we can say "This period represents the time taken by Krishna in delivering the whole Gita before Arjuna."

Krishna tried all sorts of ways/methods to make Arjuna understands that you are ME, but in vain.

Arjuna was slipping to the trough again and again and was not able to understand what Krishna was trying to convey through various methods like Suddha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga and Gyana Yoga.

If somehow the total understanding (he is already that which he was seeking or he has never been out from that state or it was his misunderstanding that he was body-mind structure only or everything is happening on its own or nobody is doer) happens to the person his/her all questions come to not as all were existing due to not knowing his true nature or better to say having misunderstanding due to conditioning.

He now becomes Brahmin, a Sanskrit word meaning who knows Brahman the reality/nature/root/base. He/she is now also called Dwij i.e. who takes second birth i.e. realised state . 

""Here lies the significance of the festival Janmashtami (the birth of Krishna).""

This stage represents the showing of Vishwaswarupa by Krishna after which Arjuna as ego gets annihilated on realizing his true nature as Brahman.

The name(word) Arjuna/I remains for name sake...first person singular no..just for communication, but without attachment (load due to misunderstanding).

Now he now knows that he is no other than Krishna (awareness) .

This is the essence of GITA.



Perhaps reflection of innocence and simplicity in all of our actions from others perspective and a complete relaxation from our perspective.

All the life forms including we humans appear (take birth) with having innocence and simplicity as inherent characteristics/assets which are the cause of complete relaxation at the time of birth.

The reflection/presence of these characteristics remains intact throughout the life cycle of all life forms except humans as "we say that we have lost innocence and simplicity in our life" the evidence of which is our tenses nervous system in waking state.

However, the fact is that in case of we humans too they remain intact throughout our life, but the innocence naturally get reflected and visible daily to others during the sleeping hour.

Even during waking state our body is always innocent and its way of working/functioning is simple.

It means these two characteristics are always present in our body as they are present in other components of the universe.

The question is where is the problem of loosing them ?

Perhaps its all in unawareness of the fact that

"all of our functions are happening under the influence of conditioning and other known/unknown factors/circumstances",

but we are conditioned to believe that we control our functions.

Perhaps once realisation of this fact happens because of "realisation of our helplessness in making any effort as everything happens effortlessly",

there remains nothing (all sorts of thing like greed, jealousy, etc all negatives and positives born out of feeling/knowledge of separation) but reflection of innocence and simplicity all the 24 X 7 X 365 which is experienced as complete relaxation in nervous system barring sometimes when body's needs arise.

Simultaneously it is also realised that "everything, if there is any, is as it should be in the moment."

And perhaps unknowingly/unconsciously we are desiring/seeking/searching this state of complete relaxation only, through various so called material as well as religious/spiritual methods/techniques.

Thursday, June 27, 2013




All talk of freedom/liberation by real Masters/Gurus who are the most “ordinary/simple/innocent” persons, is misunderstood despite clarification from them.

The reason for misunderstanding or non-understanding is our “non-investigating/non-questioning” or unscientific attitude developed because of conditioning. Another reason for this state of our mind is the emotional attachment which develops with certain Master because of the comfort one feels in company with that Master/Guru.

However, as soon as the issue/question of freedom/liberation arises the “issue of bondage from which freedom/liberation is needed, too arises simultaneously.

Hence, the real issue/problem is not the freedom but the bondage i.e. how one is in bondage.

Once the concept of bondage is cleared one is said to be free. In fact there is none who is in bondage nor there does any sort of bondage exist there.

But we never investigate/question different aspects of bondage like whether we are really in bondage, what are the factors/circumstances which are responsible for this so called bondage, etc.

This bondage can be compared with sleep which is related to the body. There are a few important factors/circumstances which prolong our sleep. More the heavy food/tiredness/comfort more the duration/deepness of sleep.

The misunderstanding/misconception that "this is my mind" represents our sleep/bondage.

In this case of bondage which is related to the so called mind,

the food contains the impressions of experiences experienced through sense organs directly or indirectly.

These impressions make the so called mind. And more than 90% of impressions are contributed by eyes and ears over which there appears to be our control (what to see/hear and what not to see/hear) up to certain extent.

The thoughts/impressions related to simple/ordinary things in life or nature (trees, animals, birds, river, sun, moon, etc.) or up to certain extent logical thoughts can be said to be light food and others including such thoughts (which require everlasting discussion/debate to come to conclusion) as junk/heavy food howsoever they may be useful in day to day life.

Tiredness of the so called mind can be said to be happening due to load of unfulfilled desires including the unfinished/unconvinced thoughts even after discussion/deliberation. More such load more tired is the mind. Such load is known as granthies in Yoga.

So far comfort is concerned we feel comfortable with someone who concurs/agrees with so called our thoughts which are not ours at all...all borrowed.  Next factor for comfort feeling is environment…..means “mass/crowd/sheep” “psychology/mentality”….the gathering of the so called disciples.

Another factor which does play a role in all these things is our genes over which no one has any control. So discussing this factor has no meaning.

We wander from one Guru/Master to another Guru/Master to gain freedom/liberation without even giving a thought on different aspects of this desire to be liberated…like “from what” we want freedom/liberation, “who wants freedom/liberation”, why we want freedom/liberation, etc.

This “non-investigating/non-questioning” attitude not only lead us to be caught in the net of so called Gurus/Masters who knowingly or unknowingly are trying to liberate others, but even staying with them we don't "listen" even them at all as we enjoy the emotional attachment for which we are responsible due to comfort feel.  As we never think/contemplate on this comfort issue we are unaware that "only discomfort can make you realise that you have never been in bondage, but having misunderstanding that the so called mind is yours". This comfort in fact lengthens and deepens your sleep (bondage) further.  

That is why the Masters say----Wherever you feel discomfort understand that you have reached to the right place/person so far the so called freedom/liberation is being sought from the so called bondage.

Further enquiries like authenticity of existence of the mind, yourself and all related abstract phenomena....are different issue.

Perhaps once this misconception of "having your own mind" is gone may need not require further enquiries.

Monday, January 14, 2013

We are helpless

Unless you "know"( knowledge matching with your action effortlessly) "what you are not", everything else has no meaning.
Birth,growth,breathing,sleep,digestion,blood circulation, etc. and finally death. This is the whole film of all expressions of life including humans. None of these things which is vital for the life to express itself, is in anyone's hand. Everything is happening on its own effortlessly. It means every expression is helpless in a sense. Humans are also as helpless as other forms of life but because of perceptions of imaginary instrument called 'mind' and accordingly go on trying to become something other than what he/she is.



Let me try to explain it.

Truth as we know is always relative. Forget the so called spiritual Truth for the time being.

What is the meaning of truth? ----It simply means that “after knowing which the desire to know/understand that thought “fades away/is no more there”. It is like fading away of thought of hunger (feeling hungry no more) after having meal. This applies to all truth including spiritual one, if there is any.

Just for the purpose of understanding I am considering following types of truths. Please bear with me.

1. Conceptual truth—Which has no existence of its own but are very helpful in communication. Example- All alphabets/words/phrases/senten​ces. The alphabets/words/sentences are interpretations by the brain cells of various impulses being continuously involuntarily (nobody has control over that) fed to the brain cells. Hence whatsoever has been spoken or written on any subject till date are concepts only. All experiences, howsoever holy they may be, without any exception are interpretations of brain only which get expressed later on in the form of thoughts. This also generally does not require discussion much. But updating must go on.

2. Objective truth—The things which can directly or indirectly be perceived by sense organs. They are existential truth and normally do not require discussion.

3. Logical truth — The results which are very much objective truth but how it has arrived/resulted are not known at all. To understand this situation (how) there come a no. of theories/principles/concepts with the help of which we try to logically understand the process/path involved. Whether these conceptual principles are correct or not is immaterial. This mostly applies to science and also in day to day discussion when we try to guess.

4. Agreed truth- This covers our languages/expressions of communication. For example --This is tree, this is sun, and moon, air, etc. like that — This normally does not require discussion.

5. Localised truth— The thoughts agreed between two or more but not accepted by all.

6. Universal truth—The thoughts which have been accepted by the human as a whole. This does require discussion from time to time as updating. This normally does not require discussion.

Now come to the point:

Is it not true that without the activities of brain cells neither anything can be experienced nor expressed as sound or written words or in any way like that ?
Is it not true that none of the desires is ours? They are just subtle expressions (in the form of reactions) of life itself which is expressed in response to outer/inner circumstances surrounding our bodies?

Does it not appear that all what we are discussing are only because of the training imparted to the brain cells?

Is it not true that in all the states of awareness(except deep sleep state i.e. non-REM sate) we are "unconsciously/unknowingly" engaged in trying to "get rid of/free ourselves from" thoughts/desires (spiritual thoughts/desires included) by way of fulfilling those thoughts/desires which are continuously welling up/appearing in our 'mind/consciousness' ?"

Take simple examples to understand this happening.

In the morning after waking up "a thought" related to "having a cup of tea" appears and it gets expressed when we ask somebody “whether tea is ready?” If the answer comes “yes” then that thought (“having a cup of tea”) gets annihilated/fulfilled and we become free from that thought/desire.

If answer comes “no” then another thought appears and gets expressed as “what is the problem?” It (the next thought) again gets annihilated/fulfilled by another answer and we become free from that thought/desire again.

This series of processes (appearing of thoughts/desires--expressing/t​hinking of thoughts/desires--getting freedom/relieved from thoughts/desires) goes on continuously without any break even for a second/ moment as long as we are awake or in dream, albeit without we being/remaining aware of such happening.



1. The whole purpose of discussion (inside means thinking or outside means interacting with others) on any thought is to come to a common understanding (when one does not feel the need of more thinking or interacting as one feels satisfied because the force behind the desire to understand comes to not) so that one gets/finds oneself free from the action of that particular thought, albeit most of the time we are not aware about this desire of getting freedom. But this is temporary relief from discussion because in view of some better inputs later on this may get started again and may come to a temporary end again. This series of start and end continue.

2. But the problem with so called spiritual or religious thoughts is that they being perhaps purely conceptual and subjective/individual cannot survive without discussion and are never ending too. This gives the maximum ego satisfaction and so called never ending so called bliss/ananda/ etc.

3. “””Hence truth does not require discussion and which is not truth cannot survive/exist without discussion.””

Nisargadatta Maharaj talks about Osho

Nisargadatta Maharaj talks about Osho

(Apparently in response to a question about Osho) 


"Rajneesh(Osho) is not a small personality or small principal".

"He is tremendous."

"He is very big."

"He is a great sage."

From " Consciousness and the Absolute: " --Chapter Sixty One. June Nine, 1981.